With the increasing penetration of internet applications, there has been a growing interest in the social and economic effects of the internet among the public and academia. By breaking through market segmentation and broadening market access, e-commerce has emerged as a new channel for reducing poverty. Thriving e-commerce in China offers new experience for unraveling the effects of internet applications. Some studies suggest that e-commerce participation significantly boosts farmer households’ incomes (Lu and Liao, 2016; Zeng, et al., 2018). Such income growth stems from the falling price of perishable farm produce thanks to effective information supply (Xu, et al., 2013). E-commerce allows professional farmer households to earn a significantly higher income by increasing profit margin and sales (Zeng, et al. 2018).
Yet most samples employed in existing studies are collected from “Taobao villages” where e-commerce merchants flourish on Taobao, China’s largest e-commerce platform (Zeng, 2018), e-commerce hotspot regions (Lu and Liao, 2016) or specific agricultural sectors (Zeng, et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2013). As such, their research conclusions may not apply to average rural households, especially poor households, in ordinary rural regions. Despite the growing public interest in recent years, few empirical studies have been carried out to examine the poverty reduction effects of e-commerce. Existing discussions on this topic are focused on the basic concepts and models. The extent to which e-commerce delivers economic opportunities to participants is yet to be examined, and is of great relevance to China’s “people-centered” development and the commitment to give people a “sense of gain.” Hence, this paper aims to reveal rural households’ sense of economic gain from e-commerce participation and whether such economic gains differ between poor and non-poor households.
With “sense of economic gain” as an outcome variable, this paper measures the inclusiveness of e-commerce participation by the following indicators, including “Self-evaluated income level relative to other households in the village,” and “Percentage of expected household income increase/decrease in 2018 over 2017.” Based on the nationwide village and household surveys conducted by the China Institute for Rural Studies (CIRS) at Tsinghua University in the summer of 2017, this paper identifies 6,242 rural households who have answered all questions in the surveys (together with their village conditions) to evaluate the effects of e-commerce participation on sense of economic gain. Compared with existing studies, this paper offers the following contributions: (i) It has extended the scope of research on the effects of e-commerce from specialized e-commerce villages to ordinary villagers and from professional farmer households to ordinary farmer households, including poor and non-poor households; (ii) it offers the first evaluation of the perceived economic benefits to e-commerce merchants in terms of relative income growth and future income expectation.
This paper employs the propensity score matching (PSM) method to evaluate rural households’ sense of economic gain from e-commerce participation relative to their fellow villagers and in terms of their future income growth expectation under a counterfactual framework. Findings indicate that e-commerce participation has increased sample households’ sense of economic gain both relative to their fellow villagers and in terms of their future income growth expectation. However, the results differ between poor and non-poor households. While poor households reported a more substantial income growth relative to their fellow villagers, they had little expectation for income growth over a longer time horizon. Only the non-poor households expected e-commerce participation to generate a long-lasting effect on their future income growth.
This evaluation result is consistent with the effect of external support targeted at poor households in the course of China’s fight against poverty. It is also consistent with the actual picture of the lack of endogenous momentum for poor populations. As a new internet business model, e-commerce is widely expected to contribute to poverty reduction in China. Yet policy makers must assess whether e-commerce participation will help poor households develop competence essential for earning a livelihood in the long run. The results of this research indicate that the effects of sense of economic gain from e-commerce participation are different between poor and non-poor households on various dimensions. Discussions on pro-poor e-commerce cannot be generalized or one-sided. Pro-poor e-commerce must address the root cause of poverty beyond short-term benefits to poor households. The sustainability and quality of e-commerce’s pro-poor effects are yet to be further observed and examined. For poor households, the lack of skills presents a more prominent challenge to their long-term income growth expectation. For policymakers and private sectors, pro-poor e-commerce must focus on building capacity for poor households to benefit from e-commerce in the long run as an inclusive technology. This paper’s conclusions are worth referencing for various poverty reduction initiatives, including e-commerce programs for the poor.